Spencer Country Club
Second Thursday of Month
6:00 p.m. October – May
Spencer Area ATV's
Ben Meyer (Elizabeth)
Jason Holt
Donald Bartlett (Deb)
All About
The Spencer ATV Corps was organized in the winter of 1974, when a group of Spencer Area Shrine Club members purchased sixteen “All Terrain Vehicles” (ATVs). The machines were owned by the individual members, and funds were raised by the members of the Spencer Area Shrine Club for the purchase of two specially constructed trailers for transporting the ATVs. Each trailer transported eight machines in double deck fashion. Metal fezzes were designed by the ATV corps members and displayed on each machine. Shrine members spouses contributed their services in making the tassels, which attached to the fezzes.
It took many hours of fun and fellowship in learning to operate the ATVs as a group and getting them ready for parades. The ATV Corps first official parade was the Spring Ceremonial in May 1974 in Sioux City. The Corps, in its initial year, had 32 members and has since grown to over 60 active members. In 1987 a Semi-Trailor was purchased and refurbished to accommodate the ATVs. The trailer was painted with pictures of the ATVs and appropriate Shrine insignia along the sides and back. The entire Membership of the Spencer Area Shrine Club is proud of the ATV Corps as its official parade unit for Spencer.
In 2016 the original ATV machines after 42 years of parading were getting worn out so the club did some fundraising and were able to purchase 12 new ATVs from Mudd-Ox in Shipshewana Indiana. The manufacturer did a special paint color so the Corps could keep its yellow theme. The machines arrived in Spencer and much work was done to have them parade ready for the 2016 parade season.