Quarterly or as needed
Location and time to be announced
Hospital Dads
Eric Nordstrom
Bill Price (Barbara)
Vice President
Noel Plummer (Jean)
All About
The Hospital Dads was organized as a Unit in 1973. The members seek out children for treatment at the Shriners Hospitals. They have a very active nucleus of van drivers who are responsible for transporting these children to and from the Shrine Hospitals. The Hospital Dads also put together and present programs that inform Shriners and non Shriners alike about the Shriners Hospitals and what they do. They do this in the form of talks and videos that are presented at club meetings, Shrine Ceremonials, public events, and other places where they are invited. The Hospital Dads also maintain a brightly colored float which they take to parades all over the Siouxland area that serves to promote the Shriners Hospitals. The Hospital Dads also take part in an annual Christmas party at the Shrine Center for the kids from the area that are being treated at the Shrine Hospitals.