Meetings as called
Ron Fuchser (Dianne)
Mark Jahde
Dave Gustafson (Joleen)
Patrick Jensen (Laura Hilsinger)
Darrel Olson (Denise)
Membership Chair
All About
Our start as a unit began in 2013 when a group of us were approached by the Cherokee Shrine Club about keeping the Abu Bekr Flying Carpets alive. With the help of P.P. Noel Plummer we purchased and fixed up several old Flying Carpets and began to parade with them. However, after about 5 years of struggling to keep the 40+ year old carts operational, discussion started about building some new carpets. After several ideas were talked about, a different direction seemed to be our best option.
In January of 2018, specifications for new drift trikes were agreed upon and ordered by members. In May of 2018, the manufacturer delivered 14 new machines to us. Our first parade season was a huge success, as we participated in a dozen parades under the direction of Nobles Ron Fuscher and Mark Jahde. Flyers were definitely a crowd pleaser in those parades. Our goal as a unit is to proudly promote the Shrine in parades and other social events all while having fun in doing so.